Thanksgiving Poem

Thanksgiving sounds like people talking alot of loudness.

Thanksgiving looks like good food and alot of people.

Thanksgiving smells like turkey,pudding,stuffing and pumpkin pie.

Thanksgiving taste likes good food very good food.

Thanksgiving feels like love all around!!!!!

The Monster Party

One scary night, my friends came over and we had a monster party it was awesome. Grace,Jacee,Kelsi,and Katelyn,Kaycee came over. So we were having a god time until Sean and Caleb the 2 monsters showed up. Because they rang the door bell. I opened the door and they said ”Im going to get you. We ran up to my room and said ”dont eat us”. And ghess what they said? ”We dont care we are going to eat yall anyways”. Ok catch us and then I fainted. Grace came up to me and sterted to knock on my head I still did not wake up. Katelyn was kicking my leg Lydia was saying ”wake up Makenzie”. I still did not wake up. Until the monsters said”Happy Birthday Grace”!!!!!! And I woke up. Grace said” thank you .” And blood came out of its mouth!!!!!! And everyone went home!!!!! The end